Friday, March 14, 2014

My WMM Experience

In my web design class I was assigned a project in which I had to turn my animation that I had made using the pivot software, into a movie using Windows Movie Maker. Windows Movie Maker was very cool to use. In my movie I combined a wide various range of music and sound effects to go along with my movie. I had to watch a video on YouTube at first because I did not quite understand how to use it but now I have the hang of it and it was fun experience for me. I Hope you enjoy it.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Pivit Animation "Marvel Vs. Pivot" Free Run

In my second period class I was assigned the task of downloading the software pivot an creating a 10 second video a bunch of several different frames that I conducted and composed myself once I got use to the software. I titled my pivot "Marvel vs Pivot" because I made a fighting based free-running animation which demonstrates my stick figures running through and over different obsticles and then fighting each other like a video game.