Friday, May 9, 2014

Public Awareness

In the past few web design classes, I have been working in Adobe Flash to create a public awareness advertisement, in which I happen to pick because I felt like it was a big deal. Its something that effects everyday life and it isn't getting enough attention. My topic of my flash was smoking. I used Flash to do what I did was a little complicated at first because the diversity of tools are a did difficult to understand at first .  I learned how to do everything from make a play button, adding music, making things fade in and out, and how to break about the pixels of and object and morph them into something else. Hope you enjoy, Quit smoking today!

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Moving Background Animation

In my web design class I learned to make a animation of a stick figure running on a moving background. I use many of what they call blank key frames to frame by frame create a picture that looks like my stick figure that I also created is running on what it looks to be a moving background. View and Enjoy! Comment what you think.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Learning Flash Animation

In my web design I am learning on how to create animations using Adobe Flash CS 6 . I have been working on several animations but this one has to be one of my favorites. It is titled "Moving Objects" , I think it is pretty easy to tell why I call it that. Watch my objects move and enjoy! 

Friday, March 14, 2014

My WMM Experience

In my web design class I was assigned a project in which I had to turn my animation that I had made using the pivot software, into a movie using Windows Movie Maker. Windows Movie Maker was very cool to use. In my movie I combined a wide various range of music and sound effects to go along with my movie. I had to watch a video on YouTube at first because I did not quite understand how to use it but now I have the hang of it and it was fun experience for me. I Hope you enjoy it.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Pivit Animation "Marvel Vs. Pivot" Free Run

In my second period class I was assigned the task of downloading the software pivot an creating a 10 second video a bunch of several different frames that I conducted and composed myself once I got use to the software. I titled my pivot "Marvel vs Pivot" because I made a fighting based free-running animation which demonstrates my stick figures running through and over different obsticles and then fighting each other like a video game.