Friday, September 27, 2013

Blog Post 6 - My Learning Reflection

This week in my web designs class i learned how to design a blog. This can benefit me in the future because I can use the web design skills I learn from that like, making audio podcast so my viewers can hear audio feedback on my thoughts & the ability to design web pages to make it more intriguing for my viewers to share my views & advertise my thoughts with others on the internet.

Blog Post 5 - What I Know About Web Design

I don't know a lot about web design , but what i do know about it is that web design is the skill of creating presentations of content that are delivered to an end-user through the World Wide Web, using a Web browser or other Web-enabled software. I also know that companies find different ways to benefit off of web designs.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Blog Post 4 - Netiquette!

Netiquette to me is basically the correct or acceptable way of communicating on the Internet.
I think that good netiquette is necessary because it is important that you show consideration in your work & important that all the work that you do is acceptable for readers who might look at the stuff you choose to write about.

Blog Post 3 - Digital FootPrint

A Digital Footprint to me is a trail left by an entities interactions in a digital environment, including their usage of TV, mobile phone, internet and world wide web, mobile web and other devices.
i think my digital footprint is perfect. When I "google" my name nothing but positive things from school & my stats from my recreational sports pop up.
I think it matters a lot who you associate with online because there are eyes everywhere. People who might hire other people for jobs might look up your digital footprint & see that you involve yourself with people or things that are bad for their image & you wouldn't get the job.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Blog Post 2 - Academic Integrity

Academic integrity is the moral code or ethical policy of academia. This includes values such as avoidance of cheating or plagiarism. If you do not follow the rules of academic integrity the consequences could be severe like you being expelled from the program you are in & most writers wont really take you serious because your not serious enough to be honest in your writing.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Blog post 1 - What Do I Know About Blogs?

A blog to me is a personal website or web page on which an individual records opinions, links to other sites, etc. on a regular basis.
I am not really a blogger but I do read up upon celebrities blog because I find them hilarious. 
I follow up on celebrity Kevin Hart`s blog. That man might just be the funniest man in America right now.